
Privacy Policy

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Boundary11 is committed to respecting the privacy concerns of our customers and visitors to our corporate websites. We have created this privacy policy to establish guidelines that will govern the collection, use, protection and disclosure of personal and non-personal information. Boundary11 collects three kinds of information:

  1. You voluntarily provided personal information
  2. Anonymous non-personal information
  3. Information stored in "cookies" on your computer

Personal Information:

Boundary11 does not automatically collect personal information, such as name, address, phone number, email address and other personally identifiable information, from its website visitors. From time to time, we will collect Personal Information that is voluntarily provided by our visitors in filling out contest entry forms, order entry forms, and other activities carried out on the Website. Boundary11 also sometimes uses email addresses or phone numbers that have been voluntarily provided by its website visitors and customers, to respond to communications initiated by those visitors and customers, and to inform winners of contests. or to subscribe to newsletters. Email addresses from visitors and customers who wish to discontinue receipt of emails will be removed from the boundary11 distribution list. Personal Information that may identify a visitor or customer is not disclosed in any identifiable form to any other party outside the company, except for the fulfilment of the specific purpose identified to the visitor or customer at the time of collection. However, boundary11 may disclose such information in anonymous, aggregated and non-personally identifiable form to other parties for marketing, advertising or other purposes and to better understand visitor’s use of our websites. At any time, a visitor may send an email to request that Personal Information be changed, removed or updated in the boundary11 databases. Visitors should exercise caution when they disclose personally identifiable information on bulletin boards or chat rooms on our websites or any other website. Such areas are accessible by anyone and may result in the visitor receiving unsolicited messages from other people and/or companies. Although boundary11 is committed to protecting the Personal Information provided to it by its visitors and customers in compliance with this Privacy Policy, it cannot guarantee the security of information, whether personal or otherwise, that visitors or customers disclose online to publicly accessible bulletin boards or chat rooms.

Anonymous Non-Personal Information:

When visitors visit the Website, anonymous, non-personal information about their visit is automatically collected. Such information may include the length and date of the visit, how the visitor navigated the Website, what pages the visitor viewed, the type of browser being used by the visitor, the type of operating system used by the visitor and the domain name of the visitor’s Internet service provider. Boundary11 uses this Anonymous Non-Personal information to track the success of its Website with its visitors and to better tailor the Website to visitors’ needs and interests. This Anonymous Non-Personal Information may be shared with other parties, such as broadcasters, advertisers, sponsors and partners.

Cookie-based Information:

Boundary11 may use cookies on its websites. "Cookies" are pieces of information that a website transfers to a visitor’s hard drive for record-keeping and identification purposes. Cookies are used to make the visitor’s use of a website easier by saving visitor preferences and passwords and to identify which areas of a website are popular and which areas need improvement and how to target certain advertising to its visitors. Boundary11 does not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information except in connection with password-protected sections of our sites and then, only with the visitor’s consent. Visitors may visit the Website with its cookies turned off to avoid the collection of Cookie-based Information. Protection of Visitors and customers’ Personal Information: Boundary11 protects the Personal Information it collects with appropriate technological, physical and administrative safeguards to protect it from unauthorized disclosure or use. Access to Personal Information collected by boundary11 is limited to authorized individuals and stored on its databases, which are protected by firewalls and are password-secured.

Linked Websites:

Some boundary11 websites may be linked to other websites. These linked websites are not under the control of boundary11 and are required to have their privacy policies. Visitors should ensure that they read and understand how their Personal Information may be collected, used, and disclosed by the linked websites as boundary11 is not responsible for and shall not be held liable for any procedures, policies or activities of any websites that are not under our direct control.

Visitor’s Consent to Privacy Policy:

By visiting and using the various boundary11 websites, the visitor agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy do not use these websites or provide Personal Information to boundary11.


Boundary11 takes its commitment to secure privacy very seriously. From time to time, boundary11 may amend or update this Privacy Policy to comply with visitor concerns, best practices and/or the law. Boundary11 has appointed a member of its management team to act as boundary11’s Privacy Officer and who is responsible for reviewing, approving and administering this Privacy Policy and boundary11’s commitments hereunder. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to contact the Privacy Officer at : info@boundary11.com

Refund And Cancellation Policy:

Boundary11 focuses on complete customer satisfaction. In any event, if you are displeased with the services provided, boundary11 will refund the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase. In case of dissatisfaction with our services, boundary11’s customers have the liberty to cancel their projects and request a refund, whereas boundary11 also has all the rights to deny refund without any explanations to the customer. For further more information please refer to the Refund Policy.

Cancellation Policy:

For Cancellations, please contact boundary11 via email. Requests received later than 7 business days before the end of the current service period will be treated as cancellation of services for the next service period.